Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moroccan Artisan Carpets

Morocco’s appeal to travelers is Artisan normally available for a decent price. And, for those gifted with the art of bartering a even better price can be achieved. One of the most sought after items in Morocco are carpets. For those armed with the knowledge of what makes a quality carpet and a basic price range to begin the wheeling and dealing, buying a carpet in Morocco can be a rewarding experience (and make your living room look astounding).

Local Moroccan women who make the carpets often are not the ones who end up selling them. In some small villages, where women’s cooperatives exist, the women are involved in pricing and selling process. They might even have set prices, which are what many travelers prefer, especially if they aren’t into bargaining while sipping tea for two or more hours in a crowded medina alleyway.

Therefore, if possible, attempt to visit a local artisanal shop or women’s cooperative to have an idea of what prices are fair for different types of carpets. One type of carpet is the heavy woolen type that is available throughout the country. In Rabat, which is one epicenter for these types of carpets, travelers can search the medina – which happens to be one of the most laid-back souk areas in the entire country. These types of carpets are different than others you’ll find elsewhere in Morocco because of their design that holds true to basic Islamic Art patterns. Usually, these carpets have one central motif that works its way to a highly detailed border. Before looking at a carpets central theme, look over its border. If it is detailed, solid, and thick, then the carpet will cost more money than another without the same outer-edge workmanship.

Knowing the different prices for carpets is quite difficult. The rule goes: If a buyer is happy with the price, then it is a fair price to pay. While this thought process is a little different for western travelers who would rather have something fixed, you’ll begin to understand the mentality better after a few days’ experience in various marketplaces. An old antique carpet that is more than 50 years old, for example, will be worth quite a bit of money, especially if it has been taken care of and withstood the tests of time. Other, more modern carpets may appear bright and illustrious, but their colors will fade over time – something that actually adds to the original look and feel of the piece. Knowing the difference between what chemical and natural (or vegetable) dyes will help.

Overall, a carpet can be judged by how many knots it has per square meter (or yard). Excellent carpets that fetch the highest prices might have nearly 350,000 knots in it per square meter (or about 300,000 per square yard). This type of workmanship is hard to find, but can be had if one looks hard enough. If a carpet vendor claims that their carpets have more knots than this, then you know that it is a far-fetched tale. Additionally, outside of the Rabat region, carpets vary in length, design, and craftsmanship. With hundreds (if not thousands) of types available, it will be dependent upon your taste and ability to spot a well-made piece that determines what sort of carpet you’ll bring home. These patterns will include geometrical patterning and not have outlandish repetitions of the same design. These carpets are often called hanbels or kilims. Other carpets, which are thicker and well made, are called zaneefi designs, while a shoedwi is a type of carpet that is usually made up of mostly black and white designs.

At Shop Morocco we have a wide range of Moroccan Carpets

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Filmstruck’s Top Ten – More Quotes From The Movies - The Battle of the Sexes

The Battle of the Sexes

This age old battle never ends where did it start, quite possibly when speech was introduced to the human race right after we stood up straight and began walking!, Who is the best the boys or the girls? I have found some quotes from movies and present to show how fierce the competition is. By my scorecard I make it 8-2 to the girls. But then I am a girl! What do you think?

“Men are the enemy. But I still love the enemy.”
Rene Zellwegger in Jerry Maguire with Tom Cruise.

“Millions of years of evolution, right? Right? Men have to stick it in every place they can, but for women? It’s just about security and commitment and whatever the f**k else!”
Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut

“I hate love scenes in which the woman’s naked and the man’s wearing a three piece suit. I mean fairs fair.””
Julia Roberts

“Well if you’re waitin’ for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait.”
Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider

“Men are rats, listen to me, their fleas on rats, worse than that, they’re amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they’re too low for even dogs to bite. The only man a girl can count on is her daddy.”
Didi Conn as Frenchy in Grease

“God gave men brains larger than dogs’ so they wouldn’t hump women’s legs at cocktail parties.”
Angelina Jolie in Hackers

“Never underestimate a man’s ability to underestimate a woman.”
Kathleen Turner as V I Warshawski

“Do you see a wedding ring on my finger? Does this place look like I’m f*****g married? The toilet seats up man!”
Jeff Bridges as The Dude in The Big Lebowski

“If a man does something silly, people say “isn’t he silly?” If a woman does something silly, people say “aren’t women silly?””
Doris Day

“No one should have to dance backward all their lives – this women’s movement is as important as anti-slavery was in the 19th century”
Jane Fonda

Added 21/02/09

Lobby Cards, Signed Photos, celebrity autographs and all manner of movie memorabilia – You’ve been Filmstruck!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Filmstruck’s Top Ten – More Quotes From The Movies ‘The Big Come On’

The Big Come On’

Haven’t you ever wanted to chat up the person you fancy with the most coolest chat up line ever and ended up saying the most boring, unimaginative and uninteresting line of the century? Well here are some chat up lines from the movies, are these any cooler? What’s your favourite or suggest another?

“All they have to do is play eight bars of “Come To Me, My Melancholy Baby”, and my spine turns to custard. I get goose bumps all over and I come to ‘em”
Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot.

“Come on darling. Why don’t you kick off your spurs.?”
Elizabeth Taylor as Leslie in Giant with James Dean

“You know how to whistle, don’t you Steve? You just put your lips together and blow”
Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not

“Tell me, how does a girl like you get to be a girl like you?”
Cary Grant in North by Northwest

“Can I get ya anything? Coffee? Tea? Me?”
Joan Cusack as Cynthia in Working Girl with Harrison Ford

“Why don’t I get someone else to watch the sheep for me tonight?”
The voice of Ann Potts as Bo Peep to the voice of Tom Hanks as Woody in Toy Story

“Enough about you. Casanova. Talk about her. Shes smart, fun. The hair, the eyes. Anything, pick a feature.
Robin Williams giving advice as the Genie in Aladdin

“Oh no, Mrs Robinson, I think you’re the most attractive of all my parents’ friends. I mean that”
“Mrs Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me, aren’t you?”
Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate with Ann Bancroft

“Paul: May I smoke?
Sarah: No, but you can stay the night if you want.”
Colin Firth and Ruth Gemmel in Fever Pitch

“I mean any gentleman with the slightest chic would give a girl $50 for the powder room. And hold out for the cab fare, too. That’s another $50”
Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Added 13/02/09

Lobby Cards, Signed Photos, celebrity autographs and all manner of movie memorabilia – You’ve been Filmstruck!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Filmstruck’s Top Ten – The Stars on the Stars

Here are our top ten nominees for 'The Saucer of Milk Award'. All those smiles and 'lovey' and 'darling' endearments, thats not how they always talk about each other! It is nice to know that the Hollywood stars really are human and just as bitchy as the rest of us!! Who is your nominee? Mine is Jeffrey Barnard.

“Take away the pop eyes, the cigarette and those funny clipped words and what have you got?”Joan Crawford on her old chum, Bette Davis

“He’s the only person I know who’s in worse shape than I am.”Marilyn Monroe on Montgomery Clift during the filming of The Misfits.

Kirk Douglas would be the first to man to tell you he’s a difficult man. I would be the second.”Burt Lancaster

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body is like a condom full of walnuts.”Clive James

“At least I can wear high heels again.”Nicole Kidman after her divorce from Tom Cruise

Jean Claude Van Damme exudes the charisma of a packet cup-a-soup.”Jonathon Romney

“To know her is not necessarily to love her.”Rex Reed on Barbara Streisand

Merryl Streep can act Polish or English or Australian but she sure as hell can’t act blonde.”Joan Bennett

“One of the biggest shits I’ve ever come across in show business. He was just a pig.Jeffrey Barnard on Yul Brynner

“It’s a damn good thing he never co-starred with Lassie.”Shirley Maclaine on Warren Beatty’s wandering eye

Added 30/01/09

Lobby Cards, Signed Photos, celebrity autographs and all manner of movie memorabilia – You’ve been Filmstruck

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Film Postcards

THEY HAVE ARRIVED!!! Filmstruck are excited to launch the final phase of our new product range in our new Movie Memorabilia category, mounted and framed Film Postcards. Our superb collection of film postcards include movie legends and screen icons such as Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando, also cult figures and icons from the music industry such as Elvis and Linkin Park. Check them out, with Valentines Day on the way this may be the perfect gift!!

Lobby Cards, Signed Photos, celebrity autographs and all manner of movie memorabilia – You’ve been Filmstruck!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Funky Black and Pink Zebra Urban Scene Emo Drainpipe Jeans

Funky Black and Pink Zebra Urban Scene Emo Drainpipe Jeans
Fantastic Zebra Striped Punk Emo Skinny Jeans
Very high quality stretchy material, 98% Cotton, 2% Lycra
Great fit, perfect Scene Emo Skinny Drainpipe Jeans!
5 pockets, these jeans look perfect with skinny fit T-shirts and Hoodies
Absolutely fantastic Zebra Skinny jeans, a must-have!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How To Take Great Scene Queen Photos?

Audrey Kitching, Jac Vanek, Kikki Kannibal, they all look absolutely fantastic, no doubt about it. Now, with status of celebrity, these beautiful Scene Queens are ones to look up to. But where did they all start? We know it could have been Buzznet, MySpace or Bebo pages, socialising, adding celebrity friends and posting fantastic photos. Yes, they all take loads of photos of themselves. Don't they look proffessional? Yes, but this can be done at home too! Here we will give you few helpfull tips how to take great photos of yourself.

First of all, choose funky looking clothes, with strong colours and / or bold designs. The best design on offer at the moment is also one of Scene Queen's favourites - Pink Animal Print - Pink Leopard Hoodie or Pink Zebra Jacket. These Jackets are very flattering, look great on pictures and you can't get more Scene than that :)

Next, make-up, always put heavier make-up for photoshoots than you do everyday, as photos tend to blur the objects, and you want to bring out your eyes and flawless complexion, right? On great tips, how to do Scene Emo Make-Up, please see our guide - How To Do Emo Make-Up.
Now, the most important task, choose where to take your photos! The best light would be outdoors on a sunny day, ideally in the park, or local playground. If you prefer to take photos at home, choose a piece of white wall as a background. And try to avoid sockets and other wiring to get into your frame :)

Now strike a pose and find the one that suits you best. Use digital camera, to know instantly how the photo looks like, and what to improve in your pose, how to put your head, arm etc. Look at Audrey and Jac's photos, how do they pose, smile, and remember, you'll get better with time :)