Here are our top ten nominees for 'The Saucer of Milk Award'. All those smiles and 'lovey' and 'darling' endearments, thats not how they always talk about each other! It is nice to know that the Hollywood stars really are human and just as bitchy as the rest of us!! Who is your nominee? Mine is Jeffrey Barnard.
“Take away the pop eyes, the cigarette and those funny clipped words and what have you got?”Joan Crawford on her old chum, Bette Davis
“He’s the only person I know who’s in worse shape than I am.”Marilyn Monroe on Montgomery Clift during the filming of The Misfits.
“Kirk Douglas would be the first to man to tell you he’s a difficult man. I would be the second.”Burt Lancaster
“Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body is like a condom full of walnuts.”Clive James
“At least I can wear high heels again.”Nicole Kidman after her divorce from Tom Cruise
“Jean Claude Van Damme exudes the charisma of a packet cup-a-soup.”Jonathon Romney
“To know her is not necessarily to love her.”Rex Reed on Barbara Streisand
“Merryl Streep can act Polish or English or Australian but she sure as hell can’t act blonde.”Joan Bennett
“One of the biggest shits I’ve ever come across in show business. He was just a pig.Jeffrey Barnard on Yul Brynner
“It’s a damn good thing he never co-starred with Lassie.”Shirley Maclaine on Warren Beatty’s wandering eye
Added 30/01/09
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